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I terapeut odnosno analitičar sudjeluje u tom procesu svojim odnosom i svojim emocionalnim reakcijama u odnosu na pacijenta, a to nazivamo kontratransfer ili protuprijenos. A zašto sanjamo i što su uopæe snovi? Charcot je govorio da se simptomi vraćaju jer su oni zapravo organski. Hvatanjem za neku iluziju, učestvovanjem u masovnoj neurozi, često se može izbeći individualna neuroza. Možda su ta dva svijeta sličnija nego što to možete i pojmiti. Jungova teorija se razlikuje od Frojdove i po tome što u njegovoj analitičkoj psihologiji simboli iz snova predstavljaju ključ za razumevanje snevačevog sadašnjeg i budućeg života, a ne prošlih konflikata kako je smatrao Frojd. Snovi se u pravilu odnose na ono što se događa sada, ne uvijek, ali je u pravilu tako. Dokazao je da se manifesni san bitno razlikuje od latentnih misli sna koje su izraz našeg nesvjesnog.

Dreams are forms of wish-fulfillment—attempts by the unconscious to resolve conflicts, whether recent or from the past Beyond the Pleasure Principle discusses dreams which don't appear to be such. Because the information in the unconscious is in an unruly, often disturbing form, a preconscious censor won't allow it to pass unaltered to consciousness. While still attentive, the censor is more lax in sleep than in waking hours. Thus the unconscious must distort the meaning of its information to make it past the censor. Freud makes his argument by 1st reviewing previous work on dream analysis, found to be interesting but inadequate. He then describes dreams which illustrate his theory. Others come from case studies. Many of his sources for analysis are literary. The book is as much a self-conscious attempt at literary analysis as it's a psychological study. He also 1st discusses what would later become the Oedipus complex theory. It took years to sell the 1st 600 copies. Freud revised the book at least eight times. The 3rd edition added a section which treated dream symbolism literally, following Wilhelm Stekel's influence. Later psychoanalysts have been frustrated with this section, as it encouraged the notion that dream interpretation was a straightforward hunt for symbols of sex.

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